Legal Status
Thirurakta Ashram, a home for the mentally challenged orphans is run by a registered Charitable Trust-Reg.No.27/4-2003. It is recognized as a Certified Home for mental patients by the Government of Kerala. Thirurakthasram is registered under the Foregn Contributin Act, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India with 05230161. The Income Tax Department has given tax exemption to the donations given to Thirurakthasram- vide order C No.80G-4/CIT/KNR/2006-07.
The Ashram is located at Asankavala, 25 km from Taliparampa which is the taluq headquarters and only 5km from the state highway ie. Taliparampa- Manakadav Road. Asankavala is in Naduvil Panchayath, Vellad Village. It is hilly terrain, blessed with heavy monsoon for three to four months and during the remaining period dry weather prevails with rain once in a while.
At present there are 90 inmates who are picked from the streets from different parts of Kerala and a few from other states. They are well taken care of; medically treated, good food is given, and have clean clothes. Above all they are treated with affection and are looked after as members of a family. |