Existing Facilities
We are happy that we have sufficient space for a dormitory, a separate kitchen though not very modern or sophisticated, also we have a small dining hall, bathrooms, few individual cells for those who are violent and who cannot be accommodated with the community. There is a beautiful, though not very spacious, prayer room which is, to our surprise and satisfaction, frequently used by some of the inmates.
We have absolute faith in GOD that what we are doing is as His plan and He will lead and guide us in our commitment to the service of the most unwanted in the society.
We are grateful
We are deeply indebted to our generous benefactors and well wishers for the support and encouragement they continue to give us without which we are unable to carry out this service. Above all we thank god for His blessings and Grace which enables us to live this kind of a special life dedicated to the service of the unwanted mentally sick.
Ambitious plans
The mental patients, especially in our country, are often socially ostracized and they are treated as an unwanted element of society. They are neglected, are not given the medical attention they rightly deserve and they are thrown out by their families and that is how they are wandering in the streets as beggars. We are convinced that only by anti stigma initiatives we can change the attitude of the society. We propose to conduct awareness programmes and anti stigma initiatives with the support of voluntary agencies and welfare organizations like Lions International, YMCA, JCs etc. |